Tin tức

Công ty Hồng Kông cần nhập khẩu các sản phẩm thủy hải sản đông lạnh.

 Công ty tư nhân tại Hồng Kông: ORIENTAL PARTNERS LIMITED (形灃食品有限公司) thành lập từ năm 2001, số đăng ký công ty: (CR) No. 0744261, cần nhập khẩu các sản phẩm thủy hải sản đông lạnh, Doanh nghiệp Việt Nam có khả năng cung cấp, đề nghị liên hệ với công ty theo các thông tin dưới đây:

Contact Person: Mr. Tai C.H.

Fax: 852-2385 8055
E-mail: chtai@orientalpartners.com.hk
Website: www.orientalpartners.com.hk

Dưới đây là thư hỏi hàng của công ty:

“My name is Tai C.H. (Mr.), Purchasing Manager of frozen seafood of Oriental Partners Ltd., Hong Kong. Our company has been buying different frozen seafood products from Vietnam for about 7-8 years. We have been dealing with some packers constantly for some items, from shrimp, to molluscs, and fish.

Oriental Partners Ltd., is a Hong Kong based importer of frozen meat (both beef and pork), poultry, and seafood products. Besides Hong Kong, we have other branch companies located in China, Brazil, and Romania. We supply our products to the local wholesalers and at the same time to the food services line too. Our company is young in comparing with those renowned enterprises in Hong Kong, but is full of passions and strength to promote frozen seafood into our local market as well as into China market.

At Vietnam total export volume, our company’s purchase is so small. Therefore, we want to strengthen our imports from Vietnam, however, we are difficult to search suppliers, especially some remoted provinces, through searching engines in internet. We wonder if you can assist us to give us some contact details of seafood associations of different provinces in Vietnam. We shall try our best to contact those provinces/associations which we did not explore before.  

We look forward to your feedback soon and thank you for your help in advance.

Thanks & Best Rgds,
Tai C.H.

Tel: 852-2401 4918
Fax: 852-2385 8055
e-mail: chtai@orientalpartners.com.hk
website: www.orientalpartners.com.hk

======== VIETNAM TRADE OFFICE =========
Add.: 17/F, Golden Star Building, No. 20-24 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
         Tel: (852) 2865 3218 – 2527 0495   Fax: (852) 2865 3808
Email: hk@moit.gov.vn; hkvntrade@gmail.com; Website: http://www.moit.gov.vn
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