Tin tức

The government supports VietGAP application in aquaculture

The Prime Minister of Vietnam has promulgated a decision on some policies ecouraging Vietnamese Good Agricultural Practices (VietGAP) application in agriculture, forestry and aquaculture.

Organizations, individuals, households producing, processing safe agro-forestry and seafood products in the list of products regulated by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) will be supported to apply VietGAP.

Accordingly, the government will use national budget to sponsor 100 percent of expenditure on topography, analysis on land, water and air samples to determine concentrated producing areas and implement the projects on agro-forestry and seafood production under VietGAP approved by authhorities.

The government will finance less than 50 percent of total fund for investment, construction, improvement of traffic, irrigational system, pumping station, electricity, waste treatment system, water supply and drainage system of concentrated producing areas in accordance with VietGAP standards. Expenditure for implementation complies with regulations on investment and construction management.

The government also funds for training managing staffs, technical staffs, and farming supporters to guide farmers to apply VietGAP in producing and processing.

Costs for compiling, printing documents for training courses are also supported.The government also funds for hiring organizations to assess and recorgnize safe products so that producers can be certificated by VietGAP.

The State finances for applying new advanced technical progresses in using disease-resistant seed, biological pesticide, biologicaly-originated pesticide, synthetic epidemic and plant management.

Besides, the government supports for trade promotion activities under the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 72/2010/QĐ-TTg dated 15th Nov 2010 on rules of forming, managing and implementing nation trade promotion programs.Organizations and individuals operate their production under VietGAP not only enjoy the above supportive policies but also other supports under current regulations.

Good Agricultural Practices includes VietGAP (Vietnamese Good Agricultural Practices) issued by MARD and other GAP standards, organic agriculture standards recognized by MARD.
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